7 Main "No’s" With Varicose Veins

Dmitry D. Gorelik Cardiologist New York, NY


A varicose vein is a pathology that requires constant monitoring and following certain medical recommendations. Symptoms of this disease (an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, thinning of their walls, stagnation) will progress if all the provoking factors are not excluded. Below you can find the main contraindications for people with varicose veins:

1. Ointments and Pills

You cannot rely on ointments and pills. Miracle ointments and magic pills for varicose veins do not exist. There are drugs that facilitate blood flow and substances that strengthen the vascular walls, but all of this is a temporary treatment that can be used in addition to the main which can only alleviate the condition. With the help of drugs, you can relieve swelling and pain but not treat the condition of spider veins.

2. Self-Treatment

Varicose veins are not a pathology that can be cured on its own or one that will disappear on its own. If you have signs of varicose veins, you should immediately consult a veins treatment center.

3. Leeches

There is a strong belief that varicose veins can be treated with leeches. We do not recommend any to try this method. If you still wish to, at least consult a phlebologist first. Leeches release substances that reduce blood coagulation and this facilitates blood flow but does not affect varicose veins. A leech discharge does not strengthen the venous wall and does not normalize the state of blood vessels.

4. Certain Food Products

Food products that are contraindicated for those with varicose veins include:

  • Sweet and floury. The intake of these products must be limited. Excessive consumption of sweets and muffins can lead to obesity and increase the load on the vessels of the legs.
  • Animal fats. The intake of butter and fried meat dishes must be limited. The cholesterol contained in these products causes undesirable changes in the vascular system.
  • Salty and spicy food. Consuming products from this category causes water retention in the body and the formation of edema. This increases the load on the vascular network, which is contraindicated with varicose veins in the legs.
  • Coffee. This drink weakens intestinal motility and can cause constipation which is extremely undesirable for those with varicose veins of the rectum. If it is difficult for you to refuse coffee, then limit its consumption to 2 cups per day.
  • Alcohol. Contrary to the opinion about the beneficial effects of alcohol on blood vessels, its contraindicated with severe varicose veins. Consuming an alcohol-containing drink leads to short-term expansion, then prolonged vasospasm. Thin walls of varicose nodes may not cope with such a load and can start bleeding. Drinking alcohol is also not recommended since it increases the risk of blood clots.

5. Compression Knitwear

The main requirement for a patient with varicose veins is to wear compression stockings. It helps to normalize blood circulation, and if you have been treated, then compression stocking helps you recover better. You should wear it as recommended by your doctor. If you only wear it from time to time, then the therapeutic effect will be minimal. 

It is difficult to wear knitwear and in the warm season, it is uncomfortable to walk in. However, all these points can be discussed with a phlebologist to find the most convenient option.

6. Surgical Intervention

If surgery is recommended by your doctor, you shouldn’t postpone it. Doctors say that varicose veins don’t ever go away on their own, and over time, the condition of the veins only worsens. If a phlebologist recommended surgical intervention, then there’s probably a good reason for it.

7. Massage

Massage with varicose veins does not improve the condition, moreover, massage can have a negative effect on the legs. Although many patients note that after the massage they feel relief, it may be due to the fact that after the procedure, the swelling decreases. But in the longer term, massage can adversely affect the health of the veins. Especially if these are specific types of massage such as honey, cupping, vacuum, or anti-cellulite.