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Dr. Faisal Wasi, MD

Infectious Disease Specialist

Dr. Faisal Wasi is an infectious disease specialist practicing in Broken Arrow and Muscogee, OK. Dr. Wasi specializes in infections that are difficult to diagnose or unresponsive to treatments, such as HIV or airborne infections from a foreign country. Infectious disease specialists usually work with conditions that are not treatable by a primary physician but it is important to keep contact with the primary physician in order to receive information about the patients history and for deciding which diagnostic tests are appropriate.
28 years Experience
Dr. Faisal Wasi, MD
  • Broken Arrow, OK
  • Aga Khan University Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Do you think there is a possibility that the virus could spread through the air vents?

Not likely, but the air vents need to be cleaned, and make sure to Lysol in the room on a regular basis.