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Dr. Charles Webb, DO

Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Charles Webb is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Beaverton, OR. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Webb is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
29 years Experience
Dr. Charles Webb, DO
  • Beaverton, OR
  • University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Should PT be recommended in any sport for any age?

Yes, working with a Physical Therapist or a Certified Athletic Trainer is something I routinely recommend for recreational athletes, for this helps them with injury prevention READ MORE
Yes, working with a Physical Therapist or a Certified Athletic Trainer is something I routinely recommend for recreational athletes, for this helps them with injury prevention workouts. These professionals can get you on a path of training that not only will prevent injury, but also will usually help you out perform your opponents.