Dr. Jeff Sellman, MD
Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Jeff Sellman is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Columbia, SC. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Sellman is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
Dr. Jeff Sellman, MD
- Columbia, SC
- Accepting new patients
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Can physical therapy help lower back injury?
Without a doubt! Physical therapy is the mainstay of treatment.
What is good for hip flexor pain?
Hip flexor pain responds quite well to stretching and strengthening of the area.
What helps upper back pain?
First, finding the cause to evaluate with a medical doctor those things in the area to cause upper back pain such as heart and lungs or pain referred from the abdomen. Then, musculoskeletal READ MORE
First, finding the cause to evaluate with a medical doctor those things in the area to cause upper back pain such as heart and lungs or pain referred from the abdomen. Then, musculoskeletal massage, acupuncture, and exercise may be of great benefit.
Can I exercise with sciatica?
Absolutely! McKenzie back exercises can help act as a guide. Cardiovascular activity is so helpful as well.
What treatment is the best for scoliosis?
This depends on your age and degree of scoliosis but more importantly how impactful this is to your function. Physical therapy is always a great way to start.
How long after knee surgery can I climb stairs?
This really depends on the type of surgery. Ligament, arthritis, and meniscus surgeries all have different recovery. This would be a great question for your surgeon!
Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?
If the pain is severe enough to worry you, it can not hurt to see a doctor. First changing the sleep position might give you the answer.
Can I go to the gym if I have scoliosis?
Yes! Remain active.
Can disc hernia be healed?
The herniation with likely scar over. The bulge associated with the herniation may improve through time with activity modification, traction, and core strengthening.
How long is the treatment for middle back pain?
I like to say lifetime change. Changing your lifestyle to prevent and treat the cause are vitally important.
Can I go to the GYM with a back injury?
Remaining active is very important, depending on the actual injury. Activity modification and identifying the cause is very important. But at least stretching and range of motion READ MORE
Remaining active is very important, depending on the actual injury. Activity modification and identifying the cause is very important. But at least stretching and range of motion is very important.
Can I go to the GYM with a disc hernia?
Yes is the short answer. If the herniation is causing symptoms such as bowel and bladder difficulties, then this needs to be addressed immediately with a physician while stopping READ MORE
Yes is the short answer. If the herniation is causing symptoms such as bowel and bladder difficulties, then this needs to be addressed immediately with a physician while stopping lifting. If the herniation is causing numbness and tingling down the legs without muscle strength loss, then traction and core strengthening would be helpful.
What treatment can be used for scoliosis?
Overall spine strengthening and back health. Depending on the degree of the curve, calculated with an xray, it may require more aggressive treatment.
Can shoulder joint pain be fixed?
Depending on the cause, it is good to be evaluated to see if it can be fixed.
What activities to avoid with neck pain?
Crossfit handstand push ups, sitting at a computer too long, improper posture should all be avoided. Aggressive chiropractic adjustments and “cracking” should be avoided.
What could cause ankle swelling?
Many things can cause painless lower leg and ankle swelling with running. Improper fitting shoes, weak muscles, poor circulation, shin splints can all potentially be the cause. READ MORE
Many things can cause painless lower leg and ankle swelling with running. Improper fitting shoes, weak muscles, poor circulation, shin splints can all potentially be the cause.
Does massage help kyphosis?
It may help with the muscle tightness associated with kyphosis, not necessarily the curve of the spine.
How long after disc hernia surgery can I run?
I would address this with your surgeon
Can physical therapy fix my lower back pain?
Depending on the cause of the pain, physical therapy can have a tremendously positive impact.
How to fix a swollen knee?
A swollen knee can either be inflamed muscles around the knee or fluid in the knee. Addressing the cause and treating with anti inflammatories is the mainstay of treatment.