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Dr. Cosmo Haralambidis, DMD


Dr. Cosmo Haralambidis practices Orthodontics in Cranston, RI. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment includes metal wires that are inserted into orthodontic brackets, which can be made from stainless steel or a more aesthetic ceramic material. The wires interact with the brackets to move teeth into desired positions. Being advanced in the field, Dr. Haralambidis may also use Invisalign or other aligner trays that have been designed to align a patients? smile. As an orthodontist, Dr. Haralambidis must recognize various characteristics of a malocclusion or dentofacial deformity, define the nature of the problem, including the etiology if possible, and design a treatment strategy based on the specific needs and desires of the patient.
Dr. Cosmo Haralambidis, DMD
  • Cranston, RI
  • Accepting new patients

Which kind of braces are best?

Hello, As an adult, the most important thing is to check the health status (bony support/type of bite issue, and joint relationship with bite) of the most complicated joint and READ MORE

As an adult, the most important thing is to check the health status (bony support/type of bite issue, and joint relationship with bite) of the most complicated joint and function system of your body. Then one can assess what type of orthodontic system can be used, from behind the teeth braces, to clear high torque fixed program systems to limited clear plastic aligners.

The Doctor needs to check.

Hope this helps.