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Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.


Dr. Arun Swaminathan practices neurology and specializes in epilepsy management at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He offers all therapies for epilepsy including medications, epilepsy surgery, ketogenic diet, and devices like VNS or RNS. He is also heavily involved in research into innovative therapies for epilepsy.
8 years Experience
Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.
Specializes in:
  • Neurologist
  • Omaha, NE
  • Univ of Kentucky, Lexington
  • Accepting new patients

Ocular pherangeal muscular dystrophy

An ophthalmologist or neuromuscular specialist/neurologist should be able to help you.

Can a drop in sodium levels be responsible for confusion and hallucinations?

Yes, a neurologist might be able to help. Low sodium can cause confusion and hallucinations.



Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple tests may be needed to make a diagnosis of MS. A lumbar puncture would be one of them, but by itself would be insufficient.


There are different types of antipsychotics available. Please discuss this with your neurologist and psychiatrist to have them help you get the correct medication.

How do you stay confident with Tourettes?

Working with a psychiatrist or therapist would help you do that.

Can you straighten scoliosis without surgery?

Mild cases of scoliosis may respond to the use of back braces or exercise. Please discuss with an orthopedician for further details.

Does epilepsy cause anger issues?

Epilepsy and anger issues often go together. Please discuss this with his neurologist for more assistance.

Why do I have thoughts about murdering people even though I would never act on it?

Please see a psychiatrist for discussing this in more detail.

What causes abnormal behaviors in adolescents?

A psychiatrist might be able to help you with this.


A neurologist or psychiatrist might be able to help.

Are these symptoms the impact of the accident or another cause?

These could be from the accident causing a brain injury. Please see a doctor to discuss it in more detail.

How long does nerve pain last after a stroke?

Nerve pain after a stroke can last for weeks to months or even years in some cases. Consider discussing pain management with your neurologist as they may have options to help you. READ MORE
Nerve pain after a stroke can last for weeks to months or even years in some cases. Consider discussing pain management with your neurologist as they may have options to help you.

Personality disorder?

Most people with personality disorders will have normal looking brain scans.