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Dr. Michelle Foosaner Diamond

Physical Therapist

Michelle Diamond, PT, PCS, is a pediatric physical therapist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area. Michelle holds a Baotd Certification as a Pediatric Clinical Specialist, working in school-based, home-based, hospital-based, and clinic-based setting to help children increase their independence with functional movement and overall function.
As a physical therapist, Michelle can assess and treat multiple conditions with neurodevelopmental techniques, selective strengthening, motor planning exercises, and more. Michelle creates a treatment plan based on the patients specific injury or condition which often involves educating parents and other caregivers. 
Dr. Michelle Foosaner Diamond
  • San Bruno, CA
  • Accepting new patients

Congenital Torticollis

Torticollis, formally Wry Neck, is a term used to describe a positional anomaly in babies that presents as asymmetry in the way they prefer to hold their head - are they tilted...