How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Lift?

Dr. Leland Webb Surgeon Phoenix, AZ

Leland H. Webb, MD, FACS, is the plastic surgeon, founder, and owner of Webb Plastic Surgery, a cosmetic and reconstructive surgery practice dedicated to meeting the goals of our patients in the greater Phoenix area. Dr. Webb garnered his medical training from the world-class institutions of Vanderbilt University and the... more

Breast ptosis is known as sagging of the breasts. It is a very common condition as the breasts, like other parts of the body, change over time. The severity of breast ptosis is measured by the position of the nipple in relation to the fold of the breast. If the nipple sits above the line of the fold, it is considered normal. A nipple that sits even with the fold is considered first-degree ptosis. If the nipple is below the fold, it is considered second-degree ptosis. Third-degree ptosis is when the nipple is pointing downward.

As people age, the skin of the breast becomes less tight and less able to hold up the weight of the breast tissue underneath. Larger breasts tend to be more affected by ptosis, but any size of the breast can develop it. Factors that contribute to the cause of sagging breasts include hormone changes, menopause, pregnancy, weight gain or weight loss, and gravity. These things affect the internal structures of your breast. 

Fortunately, breast lift surgery is very effective for reversing sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy, as it is known, can lift the nipple, remove excess skin, and reshape the breasts to sit higher on the chest. It is important to note that a breast lift alone will not provide long-term fullness in the upper part of the breast nor will it make your breasts bigger or firmer. In order to achieve those results, you will need to combine breast augmentation with breast mastopexy. 

So, how do I know if I need a breast lift?

Take a look at yourself sideways in the mirror. Notice where your nipples sit in comparison to your breast crease (the fold underneath your breast). If your nipples sit below your breast crease, most likely, you are a good candidate for a breast lift. Other signs that a breast lift may help include:

  • Your breasts sag or have lost their youthful shape.
  • Your breasts have a flattened, elongated shape.
  • Your nipples and areolas point down, not forward or up.
  • The skin on your breasts has stretched.
  • Your areolas have become enlarged.
  • One breast sits lower than the other.

The best way to determine if you need a breast lift is to discuss the procedure with your plastic surgeon. At Webb Plastic Surgery, our experienced surgeon will sit down with you to discuss your goals and determine the proper breast mastopexy options to meet your needs. For more information, click HERE or get in touch with us today to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable member of our team.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

The decision to have breast lift surgery or mastopexy is definitely a personal choice. While this procedure can do wonders for the appearance of your breasts, it also has some medical benefits!

  • Reduced Discomfort: Saggy and flat breasts can be heavy inside your bra causing a pull on the straps. They can cause the skin to rub against the skin resulting in chafing. Saggy breasts can also pull against the muscles supporting the neck and back leading to chronic pain.
  • Better Posture: The heavy weight of your breasts can affect your posture, leading to slouching. Slouching comes with its own repercussions that eventually will affect your quality of life.
  • Greater Mobility: Breasts that sag can get in the way and make completing daily activities unbearable. A breast lift will help you achieve a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • More Confidence: Confidence is necessary for health and longevity. When breasts lose their youthful shape and suppleness, many women can lose confidence in their appearance in regards to their breasts. A breast lift can help restore the shape and appearance of your breasts and bring back confidence.

Webb Plastic Surgery is your source for high-quality breast lift procedures in Phoenix and Paradise Valley. Our team takes pride in helping you achieve your body shape goals and we are standing by to assist you. Schedule a consultation to learn more!