The Calm AFTER the Storm

Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez Psychologist New York and Northeastern, NJ

Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and New Jersey. She has a mobile office under the business name Ramirez Behavioral Healthcare, LLC. Dr. Ramirez also works as a Contract Psychologist for both acute and sub-acute rehabilitation centers. Dr. Ramirez engages in sessions in client's homes,... more

There's a coastal storm coming through that will literally be a force promoting clean up and renewal.

Choose to be prepared.

Gather what you truly need to get through the night and be ready for cleansing and new beginnings. Focus on preparation and the positive consequences of this storm.

Change is good. Preparation mediates stress and reinforces adaptation and a calm mood. Be proactive before the storm.

Be still during the storm. Have a plan for after the storm. See this as a new beginning or a new way of being that promotes personal growth.

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