You Are the Author of Your Thoughts!

Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez Psychologist New York and Northeastern, NJ

Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and New Jersey. She has a mobile office under the business name Ramirez Behavioral Healthcare, LLC. Dr. Ramirez also works as a Contract Psychologist for both acute and sub-acute rehabilitation centers. Dr. Ramirez engages in sessions in client's homes,... more

Dr. Seuss was a genius. I’m reminded of a quote from a book that I often read to my kids and still read to myself, “The storm starts, when the drops start dropping...When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.”

We are the authors of our thoughts. We are in control of our thoughts, which influence our behaviors and moods. Take charge of your life. Write down your goals and desires. Then, break them down into small, realistic steps reinforced by positive self-statements and behaviors. Start when your ready and it’s feasible. Set yourself up for success. Enjoy the abundance that follows.  

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