Checking Up On Your Mental Health: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself

Alex Miller Physical Therapist New York, New York

Dr. Alex Miller is a top physical therapist in New York, NY. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Alex Miller is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Alex Miller is a prime example of... more

You wake up with a pounding headache, and you're nauseous. You've had bad headaches before, but this one seems different. You decide to take some painkillers and crawl back into your covers, hoping that the sleep will help. The next thing you know, you are violently vomiting in the bathroom, and when you look at yourself in the mirror, you see someone who looks like they have been beaten up.

"Maybe I'm just tired," you tell yourself as you wipe off the vomit on your face. "I haven't slept enough lately."

But no matter how much sleep you try to catch up on, the throbbing in your head gets worse instead of better.

These are all signs that your mental health may be suffering, so it's time for you to do something about it. But what exactly should you do? How do you know if your mental state is really poor or you're just feeling down because of life's circumstances?

Well, here are some questions for you to ask yourself. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then maybe it's time to get help from a professional therapist.

1) Do you feel overwhelmed?

Being overwhelmed is a common symptom of depression, particularly if experiencing it for the first time. Most people don't understand how powerful depression can be until they experience it firsthand. When you are dealing with depression, you start to feel victimized by the world, like everything good only happens to anyone else but you. You begin to think that everyone is happy except you, but this isn't true. Most people experience similar feelings at some point in their lives. Experts who have completed their mental health counseling masters programs online believe that being overwhelmed can make depression even harder to treat.

2) Are you struggling to concentrate?

While not all cases of mental health involve difficulties focusing, many do. You may find that things don't seem interesting anymore, and you tend to give up easily. Or perhaps you cannot concentrate on anything other than negative thoughts. Either way, this is another sign that your mental health needs attention. Moreover, if you notice that you are having trouble concentrating at school or work, it might be best to talk to your supervisor about it. It's normal to lose concentration sometimes, but if it's happening more often than usual, you should consider talking to a therapist.

3) Is your appetite changing?

If you have problems eating or losing weight, you must pay close attention to it. Some people with poor mental health may have difficulty putting food in their mouths, which makes sense because depression has been known to affect one's appetite. Others may find themselves overeating, which is also unhealthy and can lead to severe weight gain. Both scenarios can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. That means you should take care of your mental health as soon as possible.

4) Have you noticed any changes in your sleep patterns?

Sleep is crucial for keeping your mind and body healthy. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences. Lack of sleep can cause anxiety, which in turn can keep you up at night. If you find that you are sleeping less or waking up in the middle of the night, you need to speak to your doctor immediately. They might prescribe a medication that will help you fall asleep again, or they could recommend cognitive behavioral therapy. Either way, you need to take care of your sleep if you want to stay mentally healthy. It's okay if you are having problems falling asleep, but you should try to avoid staying awake for long periods.

5) Do you find yourself worrying too much?

Worrying is part of life. We worry about our jobs, money, family, friends, and other important life matters. However, if you find yourself constantly worried about the same things over and over again, you may be experiencing anxiety. Anxiety is one of the leading causes of mental illness, which means that you need to take steps to minimize it if you want to stay healthy. For instance, you can reduce the number of tasks you are trying to do to have more time for relaxation and spending time with loved ones. Moreover, you should never forget to practice self-care and listen to your needs. Don't let others dictate your happiness; take control of it!

6) Do you ever feel like hurting yourself?

Self-harm is a severe issue, especially when it comes to depression. Most of the time, people who are experiencing depression will find themselves thinking about harming themselves. They may look into ways to do it or even attempt to hurt themselves. Unfortunately, suicide is a significant concern among those suffering from depression, and if you are trying to kill yourself, you need immediate help. The good news is that this is a symptom that can be treated, so speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

7) Do you notice that you are having trouble making decisions?

Most of us make decisions every day without even realizing it. For instance, you probably choose what to eat for breakfast each morning without giving it a second thought. However, sometimes people with depression find it hard to make decisions, which makes them anxious and frustrated. This can result in you staying stuck in the same routine for days, weeks, months, or even years. It's important to remember that you are in control of your life, and you shouldn't allow yourself to get lost in the moment. Make decisions based on your values.

8) Do you feel lonely, even when surrounded by people?

Loneliness is an emotion that many things, including depression, can trigger. It's perfectly normal to feel lonely sometimes, but if you feel isolated or cut off from the rest of society, this could indicate that you are dealing with poor mental health. Loneliness is closely linked to poor physical health, so if you experience it regularly, you should seek treatment.

9) Are you having trouble maintaining relationships?

Some people find it challenging to maintain relationships, especially romantic ones. While this may be attributed to several factors, such as personality traits or personal preferences, it may also be caused by poor mental health. People with anxiety often have problems developing intimate relationships because they find it hard to connect with others. Those who suffer from depression may find it difficult to form friendships because their negative feelings prevent them from being social. Regardless of whether the problem is related to anxiety or depression, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

10) Do you find yourself feeling worthless?

Depression can make you feel useless and hopeless, which can lead to some pretty dangerous thoughts. For instance, you may start to believe that your life doesn't matter or that no one cares about you. These thoughts are extremely common among depressed individuals, so you should never ignore them. You deserve to be happy and can achieve it if you continue working towards better mental health.

Final Words

There are so many symptoms of your mental health not being as good as it could be, so don't be afraid to ask questions. If you suspect something isn't right, speak to your doctor immediately. They will be able to provide you with guidance and support, helping you to overcome the issues that you are experiencing. Remember: you are not alone in this fight. Many people are going through similar situations, and most of them understand what you are going through. It is only natural to feel down and out at times, but if you think your mental health is worsening, it's time to talk to someone.