What is the Common Presentation of Female Hair Loss?

Dr. Hootan Zandifar Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Hootan Zandifar, MD FACS, is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon at the ZandifarMD in Beverly Hills, CA. A native of Los Angeles, he received his medical degree from the prestigious David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He completed his residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and was then accepted... more

When men lose their hair, it is almost expected. However, when women lose their hair, it comes across as a shock. In females, hair is more than a cosmetic concern. For women, hair is a source of gender identity. This is one of the major reasons why female hair loss is so devastating to those who suffer from it.

It may, therefore, be surprising to learn that this condition is not as rare as one might think. In fact, 1 out of 5 women (20%) will suffer from female hair loss during their lifetime. Female hair loss, however, can present differently than its counterpart, male hair loss. In women, when they lose hair, the typical pattern is different and thus it can be harder to identify.  Here are some of the common presentations of female balding.

1) Widening of the natural part. The most common presentation of female hair loss is when the natural hair part on the scalp is widened. This is fairly easy to see as the line becomes wider and wider.

2) Increased number of hair falling out during normal activities such as showering or brushing of the hair. On a daily basis, we lose about 100 -150 hairs. This is completely normal and in fact part of the natural hair cycle. However, if this number is significantly increased then it is a sign that there is something wrong. Women, in general, have a higher number of hair follicles in their head and thus it can be a while before this excessive hair loss is visible.

3) The volume of the hair is significantly decreased. As women suffer from hair loss, the sign that they notice the most is the decrease in the volume and luster of the hair.  Now the loss of volume and density can be due to hormonal changes, but if paired with any of the other signs in this list, it is likely the result of hair loss.

4) The scalp is significantly more noticeable through hair than before. This is usually a late sign of hair loss especially in those with longer hair.

5) Frontal hairline begins to recede and more of the forehead is seen. This recession of the frontal hairline is somewhat similar to male pattern balding and in severe cases can lead to large bald spots in the frontal scalp.

The Ludwig scale was developed to standardize female hair loss and aids in treatment planning. To learn more about this you can visit us here.