Dr. Rex L. Mahnensmith
- Waterbury, Connecticut
- MD at Yale School of Medicine
- Accepting new patients
Knowing All About Sugar: Blood Vessel and Tissue Injuries Develop When Blood Glucose Concentrations Circulate Above Normal Even For A Short Time:...
Glucose is the essential energy molecule that our body's tissues utilize. Glucose exists in fruits and vegetables and grains, either as a simple sugar or as a structural component...
Knowing All About Sugar: Essential for Life but Potentially Unhealthy: Part 1 of the Diabetic Story
Sugar is the familiar and common name for sucrose, a naturally occurring substance in nature that is formed in plants from the combination of water absorbed from soil and carbon...
Vitamin K2: A Little Known Vitamin That We Now Know Reverses and Prevents Artery Calcification and Promotes Bone Matrix Calcification
A “vitamin” is a nutrient essential for life. We are well-acquainted with most vitamins, such as vitamin A, the B-vitamins, and vitamins C, D, and E. Each has a well-known and...
Why Delve Deeply into Our Daily Nutrition? Because we Become what we Eat!
Our daily food and beverage intake may be a matter of deep thought and careful selection. Or, our daily food and beverage intake may be a matter simply of convenience, routine,...