The Tale Of Oregano - By Christine L. Foutch

Christine L. Foutch Naturopathic Physician Rock Island, Illinois

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.


A flowering plant that belongs within the mint family (Lamiaceae). The leaves have a compacted oval appearance, arranged oppositely on their centered twig.

The Trichome

These plant hairs can change the leaf surface to help reduce heat from the sun and retain moisture. The oils and resins will protect the plant against microbes, insects, and animals. 

Medicinal Education

Oregano refers to the varied plants that share this specific odor, and flavor. Oregano is well-known and valued; all of which is contributed to its essential oils.  

Essential Oils

Are volatile oils or extracts that have been derived from vegetation with distinctive odors. The term volatile refers to how easily the plant extracted oils will evaporate.

These Essential Oils

Are produced metabolically through the plant's cellular functions. The term "metabolism" will take into account all of the chemical activities taking place therein the plant cells. 

The Benefits Of Oregano

Oregano has been used for hundreds of years as a natural antibiotic. It attacks the bounty of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. 

Oregano As An Antioxidant

Assistance within the developments between the pro-oxidant and antioxidant chemicals; irregularities here will lead to further bodily and structural tissue damage. 

Anti-Inflammatory Activity

The biological response to bodily tissue damage, infections, and toxic chemicals. Researchers have found significant evidence regarding the anti-inflammatory effects of oregano.