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Dr. Richard J. Staller


Dr. Richard Staller is a Dentist practicing in Delray Beach, Florida. Dr. Staller is on staff at Delray Medical Center and West Boca Medical Center where he performed the hospital’s first operating room general dentistry case. Dr. Staller is the official team dentist for Florida Atlantic University and is President of the Owl Club, as well as a team dentist for the U.S. Olympics.

Dr. Richard J. Staller
Specializes in:
  • Dental Bridges
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Gum Disease
  • Dental Health
  • Accepting new patients

A Note from Dr. Staller

A Note from Dr. Staller

Our practice philosophy has always been very simple and also very successful for the patients. The doctor that has the highest training in a procedure will be the one who performs...