A Note from Dr. Staller

A Note from Dr. Staller
Richard J. Staller Dentist

Dr. Richard Staller is a Dentist practicing in Delray Beach, Florida. Dr. Staller is on staff at Delray Medical Center and West Boca Medical Center where he performed the hospital’s first operating room general dentistry case. Dr. Staller is the official team dentist for Florida Atlantic University and is President of... more

Our practice philosophy has always been very simple and also very successful for the patients. The doctor that has the highest training in a procedure will be the one who performs that procedure for our patients. 

We have assembled general dentists, hygienists, and some of the highest trained dental specialists in South Florida.  In this way, we are able to treat our patients in every aspect of dentistry all at one location.  Thus, we are able to better diagnose and control to achieve the most successful outcomes for our patients.

Predictability allows you to have happy and healthy patients. Our state of the art facility insures each patient will be treated with the highest level of technology.  But we also pay strict attention to the individual needs of each person. 

Our entire team of dental assistants, hygienists, patient coordinators and doctors continuously go through advanced education so we are on the cutting edge of all dentistry and medicine has to offer.

Please feel free to visit our website at www.ad-sf.com or at our office so we can answer any questions you might have.  We look forward to meeting you and the members of your family.

I have taken some time to answer the most common questions we are asked:

Q: What is PRP or PRF?
A: Platelet-rich plasma or fibrin has become very popular in oral surgery procedures in dentistry.  By combining a small amount of a patient’s blood with bone graft material, you are able to achieve faster healing, less pain, and less inflammation in many procedures.  It is very similar to stem cell therapy.

Q: Does your endodontist use a microscope?
A: One of the most innovative techniques utilized in root canal treatment today is the use of a microscope.  This is the most state of the art way to treat teeth.

Q: How often should you see your hygienist to have your teeth cleaned?
A: The type of hygiene visit as well as the frequency is different for every patient.  During your examination and periodontal assessment, this will be determined.  Make sure all of your teeth are checked with a periodontal probe and the readings are recorded.

Q: What are the latest materials that crowns are made of?
A: The most innovative and high tech crowns are now made of zirconium.  They are the most durable and also now are very esthetically pleasing.

Q: How can a patient best be evaluated for oral cancer?
A: Reports of oral cancer are increasing significantly.  It is very important for patients of all ages to be checked as the highest rate of occurrence is happening in people with no risk factors.  The Velscope exam is one of the most efficient screening techniques. 

Q: What are some of the best ways to whiten teeth?
A: Dental offices offer the best techniques to whiten teeth. Zoom is an in-office technique to whiten your teeth with great results.  In as little as one hour, dramatic results can be seen.  Also available are custom whitening trays.  Opalescense offers a great system where by preloaded, one size fits all trays also can be used to gain optimal results.

Q: Why is periodontal health so important?
A: Undiagnosed or untreated periodontal disease can impact systemic health.  Disease such as heart disease, diabetes, pulmonary disease, liver disease, kidney disease, and many more are all affected by periodontal disease.

Q: Do dental implants hurt?
A: In most cases, only local anesthetic is needed to prevent pain during surgery and ordinary painkillers are normally sufficient afterwards 95% of the time.

Q: How much will dental implant treatment cost?
A: The cost will vary from patient to patient depending on the treatment required, but unexpected future costs often associated with conventional treatment options can usually be avoided because of the long term success rates associated with dental implants.

Q: Will my new teeth feel like my own?
A: Most people do not feel any difference between their implant supported teeth versus natural teeth, allowing them to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

Q: Does dental implant treatment affect my other natural teeth?
A: No. Unlike other conventional methods, dental implant treatment does not require grinding down of adjacent teeth for supporting partial bridges.

Q: Does age matter?
A: If over 18, your overall health plays a more important factor in determining if you are an implant candidate.  If under 18, an examination must be made of the state of growth to determine if implants are appropriate.

Q: Will I sleep during treatment?
A: Normally, only local anesthetic is needed, but a sedative may also be used.  In our office, if patients desire, they can be sedated with IV, nitrous oxide, or oral sedation.

Q: Do I have to be without teeth during the treatment?
A: No, if needed, temporary teeth can be provided, with the exception of patients who have had new bone transplanted.

Q: How safe are dental implants?
A: Implants have been used in offices for over 40 years with high success rates.  Implants are backed by extensive documentation and are clinically proven worldwide for reliable and esthetic outcomes over the long term.