What Can You Do To Keep Your Kids Safe and Healthy During The Pandemic?

My Whole Child Pediatric Pediatrician Elizabeth, NJ

My Whole Child Pediatrics was founded by Dr. Naveen Mehrotra, who is a board-certified pediatrician with a special interest in child development and early intervention. He utilizes his interest in complementary and alternative medicine to bring an integrated approach to improving a child's health. With the support and... more

As we are all in this challenging phase of time, we are wondering when the novel coronavirus will vanish from our lives. As parents, it is important to keep yourself and your kids fit and healthy during this time. If you have any questions about your child's health, a board-certified pediatrician at My Whole Child Pediatrics NJ is always available to answer your query and offer service to help your child through any problems. 

While information about the importance of washing hands is swamping the internet, it is, however, not the only thing that you should think about when it comes to protecting your kids. Your child's health and immunity play a very crucial role, especially with a novel virus circulating around. 

Here are some simple yet important steps that you can take to keep your child's health and immunity at an optimum level.

Have A Healthy Diet

While there is not much we can control during the pandemic, we can focus on giving our children healthy foods. If you are able to, try to cook at home with natural and fresh ingredients. Make sure that you are cooking and balancing the meals with good portion sizes from all of the major food groups (more information is available on www.myplate.gov). Involve your kids in the kitchen and the cooking process so that they can learn and enjoy what is healthy and beneficial for their growth and development.

Encourage Physical Exercise

Instead of spending all of their time in front of the television or playing video games, encourage your kids to do physical exercise. To spend quality time together, you can play outside or go for a walk together. You may also look to social media and the internet to find exercise-based games and activities. When you make exercising fun, children will want to exercise and will benefit physically and mentally. 

Teach Proper Hygiene

Teach your kids proper handwashing and tell them why it is important and how it can prevent the virus and any other harmful germs. Washing your hands before you touch your face or have a meal is important as well. Also, you should teach your kids to keep their hands and fingers out of their mouth and nose.

Maintain Mental Health

It is essential to maintain a social connection even while maintaining social distancing. Help your kids to stay connected with their classmates and friends through calls and video chats. Phone calls or video chats are a great way to stay in touch with other family members. Make sure that you communicate with your child, ask them how they are feeling, and reassure them that everything will be fine.

My Whole Child Pediatrics is always there to provide you with guidance about your child’s health and developmental needs. The board-certified pediatricians at our offices in NJ provide individualized care and treatment for each patient. During this time, our patients are evaluated and treated via virtual remote visits to ensure the safety of all of our families. For more information, you can visit us at https://www.mywholechildpediatrics.com