What is Infertility?

Ms. Alyson Lynne Alford Naturopath Henderson, NV

Dr. Aly Alford is a naturopathic Doctor practicing in Henderson, NV. Dr. Alford specializes in Fertility related issues and treatment. Dr. Alford combines holistic healing methods with lab testing and individual nutrtion/ supplement plans.  Naturopathic Doctors place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to... more

What is Infertility?

Infertility is defined as:

Failure to conceive after a 12 month span of frequent intercourse without contraception in women, under the age of 35 or failure to conceive with 6 months for women over 35.

There are numerous factors that play into infertility:

- Pelvic or Structural factors

- Ovulatory or hormonal factors

- Male Causes

- Unexplained

- Unusual problems

- Rare Causes

Female Infertility is most often the result of PID, or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, chlamydia and gonorrhea that doesn't have any symptoms, as well as ovulation issues.

During the first visit, we take an extensive health history to ensure nothing is missed.

Questions? Please reach out.
