Healthy Living

10 Ways to Get Your Anxiety Under Control

10 Ways to Get Your Anxiety Under Control

Find Distractions

You know what they idle mind is the devil’s playground, especially for those of us who suffer from anxiety. Often times, anxiety hits in the quiet, when you have nothing to do — overthinking can sometimes create feelings of stress and worry. When you are busy and engaged, you notice that these feelings of anxiety subside. So, when you start feeling your typical anxiety symptoms come on, make it a point to immediately find something that distracts you: start a task, a conversation, or do some of the housework you have been putting off. Distraction is critical. 

Anxiety is never easy. There are millions and millions of people around the globe who suffer from anxiety, some who do not realize or put a name to it but are dealing with frequent anxiety attacks. Controlling anxiety is not something that will happen in a day; it is basically a long-term process. There are multiple ways in which an individual can cope with their anxiety so that they can live a normal life. If you are among those who are suffering from anxiety and need help, please reach out to a therapist and in the meantime, try the following methods and strategies to control anxiety attacks.

  • Physical activity: You don't have to do a marathon or play tackle football to get the benefit of physical activity. Gentle or moderate exercise is said to help a great deal not only in recovering from most medical conditions, but also in keeping the body fit and healthy. Exercise is known to form a crucial component for an individual’s good mental health. Try out various forms of exercises and see what sticks for you. Try walking, jogging, skipping rope, or yoga. There are several benefits of exercising: it is known to release the chemicals in the brain that provide relaxation and also improve the mood of the individual; it is also helpful in reducing the quantity of stress-related hormones; and there is an overall improvement in the hormonal balance as well. Exercising is also known to tire the muscles, which in turn leads to good sleep at night.
  • Keep control of your breathing: Breathing is known to be one of the most powerful tools to cope with anxiety. Anxiety symptoms are known to be associated with improper breathing habits. It has been seen that people who have anxiety struggle with breathing technique and often resort to short shallow breaths.  Slow down and take longer and deeper breaths. Each breath should be controlled, shallow, and slow.  You can follow this technique: breath in slowly and gently through your nose for about five to six seconds, then hold your breath for three to four seconds, and finally, slowly release the breath. This breathing exercise should be repeated at least ten times and can be carried out multiple times a day. Whenever you feel that the mind is getting anxious, just slow down, and try to control your breathing to help calm your mind. This will calm down your mind.
  • Speak with friends or family members: Many times, people do not share what they experiencing. One of the more effective methods of controlling anxiety is by speaking up when there is something on your mind to someone close, like a family member or a friend; someone whom you trust. Do not shy away from sharing your thoughts and explaining to them what is making you feel anxious. When you talk to people, it helps to put things in perspective along with distracting you. 
  • Do what you love: What are the things that bring you joy? Engaging in simple activities is relaxing and distracts your mind. Things as simple as playing with a puppy, going to a ballgame, watching little kids at the park, knitting and a million others. Think about what brings you peace and be sure to incorporate those activities in your life frequently. Participate in your hobbies, such as painting, writing poems, singing, or dancing. It can also be taking a warm shower or bath, or even getting a massage. All of these tend to make our mind and body calm and keep us from thinking negative thoughts.
  • Maintain a journal: You've heard this before, I am sure but anxiety brings along physical symptoms. Write your thoughts. Make time at night to write down what you are thinking, especially the negative thoughts. Sounds simple but it is well known that writing about what gives you angst can help soothe yourself. 
  • Listen to uplifting music: Listening to upbeat, positive music is said to have a powerful effect on one’s anxiety. The key here is not just to choose any song, but to be sure that you are listening to the music that represents the way you are feeling. 
  • Love making: This is not a myth. Sex is also known to provide an incredible calming effect on the mind as well as the body. It is kind of a distracting physical activity which is known to release endorphins that can help you to feel less tense and also provide greater relaxation. Orgasm in itself, is a huge stress reliever and therefore can put anxiety at bay. 
  • Healthy diet: A healthy diet is said to maintain the health of the body as well as the mind. It has an important role to play, but the difference would not be very dramatic. Hence, diet alone cannot be used to treat anxiety. But just because diet does not play a significant role in reducing anxiety, you should not ignore the importance of healthy eating. Consider magnesium a part of your diet.  Stress is known to reduce the amount of magnesium, hence, the intake of it through foods or fruits is important.
  • Keep yourself hydrated: Another simple thing but easily forgotten is hydration. Water is essential for maintaining the overall health of the body. Drinking enough water throughout the day is key. Dehydration is not directly linked with anxiety, but it does worsen the symptoms of anxiety, which can make it harder to manage in the future. Initially, you will urinate frequently by drinking too many glasses of water, but gradually, the body will get used to this routine.
  • Be mindful: Simply by understanding how to live in the moment can help reduce the feelings of anxiousness. For those who get anxious and tend to worry a lot about their future and how things will turn out tomorrow, it is important to start living in the present and to leave aside those things which you cannot control. If you can wrap your arms around this concept, it will be very helpful in managing anxiety.