Healthy Living

A Deeper Look into the Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

An understanding of the symptoms is vital

While an understanding of the potential treatment options can prove to be useful for Parkinson's patients and their loved ones, another important characteristic to understanding the progressive disorder is to understand how it can be diagnosed.  The information previously discussed that focused on the non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease can prove to be of use when diagnosing the disorder, as it helps patients know what to look for when determining if they do in fact have Parkinson’s.  An understanding of the many symptoms, both motor and non-motor symptoms, helps in the difficult process that can come with a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.  In addition to identifying these specific traits, other methods can exist as well.  These will include imaging tests (such as an MRI, PET scans, SPECT scans, and brain ultrasounds), and a thorough analysis conducted by a trained neurologist.