Healthy Living

Assistive Technology for Improving Life in People Living With Muscular Dystrophy

Housing Needs

Depending on the architecture of house and needs, lifts are another important thing to consider. It could be a stairs lift that would allow the person with a disability to easily move up and down the stairs while seated on the chair. A ceiling lift is another option for highly disabled individuals; they can take a person to important rooms at home and are especially useful for moving between bathroom and bedrooms.

Bathing equipment specifically made for people with MD can assist them to take bath independently. After all, the bath is not just about hygiene, it is also a good way to relax.

If a person spends a large amount of time in the bed, then the consideration of motorized beds may be an option. A kind of bed that can change its inclination with minimum efforts. Also, it is important to choose the right type of mattress as pressure sores are the risk factor.