Healthy Living

Birth Control Pills Linked to Decreased Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Birth Control Pills: Other health benefits of contraceptives

Other health benefits of contraceptives

Contraceptive pills are often thought of as a way for women to avoid pregnancy. In reality, contraceptives can be used for a number of different reasons and also provide numerous health benefits unrelated to pregnancy.

Regular Menstruation - Use of contraceptives will often make a woman's periods more regular. Typically women will have their period the week they take their inactive pills (after taking their pills for about 3 weeks). Knowing when they are going to menstruate can be beneficial as they can prepare for the physical and mental stress menstruation can have.

Lighter Menstruation - Contraceptives thin the lining of the uterus, which prevents heavy menstruation. Heavy menstruation can be very harmful to one's health, and can even lead to anemia. Preventing this is another health benefit that contraceptives provide.

Increases Comfort - Birth control pills prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs every month. This means that the uterus will also produce less chemicals which are often known to cause very painful cramps. This is a very common menstrual problem, especially in older women.

Stops Menstrual Migraines - Many women get migraines when they are on their period. This is because most women have a drop in estrogen when on their period, which will often lead to migraines. Taking a birth control pill will prevent the drop in estrogen and reduce migraine occurrence.

Better Skin - When women produce more male sex hormones than necessary (all women produce at least some of them), the common result is bouts of acne and unwanted facial and body hair. Contraceptives prevent the body from producing these hormones, and will prevent acne and unwanted hair from being a problem.

Lowers the Risk of Cancers - Women who take the pill for five years or longer have a 50% reduction in risk of developing ovarian cancer. This benefit continues even after the pill is no longer taken.