Healthy Living

Calming Techniques for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Address any bowel incontinence issues before they get worse

An unsettling topic that is often avoided among patients, bowel incontinence is both embarrassing and isolating. Many individuals who find themselves faced with this unfortunate symptoms of their IBD are confined to their homes out of fear of what would happen in public if they couldn’t find a restroom. Bowel incontinence is unfortunate symptom but talking about it is the first step to treating it.

Why are we singling out this particular symptom? Most of the information above is geared directly at the other symptoms of IBS like cramping, discomfort, loss of appetite, etc. Bowel incontinence is an extreme symptom that has the potential to isolate patients indefinitely until it’s controlled. So, the question remains - how does one treat bowel incontinence? Well, after an endoscopy to rule out any other causes, doctors will likely put the patient on a dietary regime and different medications that will bulk up to stool to prevent leakage. If there is damage to the anal sphincter that’s causing the leakage or nerve damage from chronic illness, this can be repaired with surgery.