Healthy Living

Foods to Reduce Sleep Apnea

Foods to Reduce Sleep Apnea

Foods to Reduce Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition which can affect people of any gender and age and manifests primarily during the person’s sleep cycle. The main concern with the condition revolves around sleep interruptions where the victim wakes up due to respiratory complications. Sufferers of sleep apnea can witness apnea episodes where they stop breathing for as little as a few seconds, up to several minutes, ending with the person waking up due to oxygen deprivation. Consequently, those who suffer from this disease usually have a hard time getting rest at night, which translates into excessive fatigue during the day, morning headaches due to oxygen deprivation during sleep, and large bouts of snoring in the rare occasion they’re able to catch sleep.

Sleep Apnea is considered to be a condition which is said to affect people of any age or gender but the main concern out here is mostly around the interruptions caused during the sleep wherein the individual has to wake up. These interruptions are mostly caused due to respiratory complications. Victims of sleep apnea tend to have a hard time wherein it can lead to tiredness or fatigue when they wake up in the morning, headaches which are caused due to lack of oxygen while asleep and rise in snoring due to which they are unable to catch up on sleep. There are various medications available which can help the individual to sleep better however they come along with its own side effects hence the individual can also opt for making dietary changes to maintain a healthy lifestyle and also it can prove to be helpful in having a sound sleep with no interruption.

Foods rich in melatonin: Melatonin is also available as a supplement in the pill form which can be consumed before going to bed so as to feel relaxed and get sound sleep. Melatonin can also be found in other food items such as corn, olives, cherries, cucumber, tomatoes and broccoli. It is also available in variety of seeds and nuts.

Foods rich in tryptophan: Tryptophan is known to be an amino acid which when consumed, converts the serotonin into melatonin and as we known melatonin is the hormone which leads to sound sleep. Tryptophan can be found in dairy items such as yogurt, cheese, milk. Apart from dairy it can also be found in turkey, grains, nuts, apples, turnips, seafood and bananas.

Calcium rich food: Milk is very beneficial for the overall health of the body, mainly because it contains calcium which is a mineral that is known to produce strong bones. Calcium is also known to be important in the development of hormone melatonin. Hence normally for those suffering from insomnia the doctor can usually suggest diets which are rich in calcium unless they suffer from any other medical conditions wherein too much of calcium can prove to harmful as well. Calcium can be found in yogurt, kale, juices, cheese and cereals.

Magnesium rich foods: Magnesium also has a very similar effect as tryptophan. Magnesium is a mineral which when consumed is known to reduce he adrenaline effects thereby helping the body to relax and get a good sound sleep. Foods which contain magnesium are nuts, kale, avocadoes, fish, bananas, soybeans and yogurt.

Foods which contain Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is known to be often recommended for those individuals who suffer from depression and other mood disorder. Vitamin B6 is also known to be helpful in playing a critical role in the process of conversion of tryptophan into melatonin hormone. This vitamin can be found in flaxseeds, pistachios, tuna, bananas, salmon, avocadoes and sunflower seeds.

Fluids: You can also drink warm milk before bedtime to get that sound sleep. Apart from this, there are other liquids which can be consumed and they are almond milk, passion fruit tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea and valerian tea.