Healthy Living

Genetics On the Forefront of New Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

Final thoughts

Researchers are hopeful that this drug will continue to show promising results as it moves through more clinical trials. However, over 90 percent of patients with CF will not benefit from treatment with ivacaftor along. This means that it is imperative that research continues to develop and look at other drugs that target a variety of CFTR mutations. Targeting various CFTR mutations seems to be the best current way to use molecular medicine to treat patients with CF. Additionally, using drugs in combination could help improve its effectiveness.

By creating drugs that are specific to certain mutations, effectivity can be increased, and patients can have the reassurance that they are not just going through the trial and error run of the mill drug sampling that many patients of chronic diseases are accustomed to. With molecular medicine, patients with CF can be provided with more individualized treatment. The future is bright for advancements in CF treatment options!