How Do You Contract Mononucleosis?

The Epstein-Barr virus is one of the eight known viruses of the herpes family. This disease is very contagious, and it can also result from other diseases. This disease affects young adults and teenagers. Those who contract this disease develop the signs and symptoms after being infected for a month. The symptoms take time before appearing in a person. The signs include:
- Body rash
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Headaches
- Swollen lymph
- The liver and spleen may also swell up when one is infected.
The mono virus is usually spread from a person to another through saliva. This leads to infection of the B lymphocytes in the mouth and the throat. This leads to its nickname of the kissing disease, since it spread widely through kissing. This person with this disease can then spread it to another person through sneezing and coughing, where the spurts of saliva and mucus carry the virus which then spreads to the other person through air. Also, the sharing of drinks and food could spread the disease by using the same utensils that could transfer the saliva particles while feeding. In some cases, this disease can be transmitted to the other person through a blood transfusion from someone who has the virus. Tears can also carry the virus and can spread to another person. Sometimes people contract this disease but don’t realise it, since it doesn't cause any signs and symptoms until it starts spreading to other people. This disease reactivates later.
Other infections that can lead to mononucleosis include the following:
- Cytomegalovirus. This virus is common for all the people. This disease can last for a lifetime once it gets into the system. This disease doesn’t show any signs and symptoms once a person has been infected. For pregnant women with a weak immune system, this infection could lead to other complications unborn children.
- Toxoplasmosis can also lead to the mononucleosis disease. Many people suffer from this disease where women carry the parasite in their bodies without showing any signs and symptoms of the disease. Women who are pregnant and acquire this disease should seek medical attention immediately to avoid further complications.
- The HIV/AIDS virus can also lead to this infection. This occurs since this virus weakens the body's immune system and destroys the white blood cells that fight the diseases attacking a person. There is no cure for this virus, but if one takes medication properly then the disease can be subdued. This disease is usually transmitted sexually.
- Rubella disease is also associated to the mononucleosis. This disease mostly attacks children, leaving with them red rashes all over the body. These rashes appear after three days. A headache, fever, having mild pink eyes, swollen big lymph nodes and cough occur as other signs of the disease.
- Hepatitis A, B, and C can also increase the likelihood of developing the mononucleosis disease since hepatitis leads to the inflammation of the liver.
- Strep throat can also lead can lead to the mononucleosis disease through the bacteria that cause the disease leading to the enlargement of the lymph nodes.