Is ADHD Lifelong?
ADHD is often regarded as a childhood disorder. ADHD patients are usually inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive. About 60% of these children will experience the condition throughout their entire life. In the US, more than 4% of the adults are living with ADHD. Unfortunately, a bigger fraction of the population hasn’t undergone any diagnosis or treatment processes.
Diagnosing Adult ADHD
Determining the presence of ADHD in adults can be cumbersome. The reason is that most of the diagnoses are achievable through the monitoring of a child’s behavior. Adults depict unique symptoms that are completely incomparable to those affecting young children. Grownups may experience severe symptoms that make them incapable of organizing or prioritizing tasks. You may observe that they behave inappropriately in social contexts and utter rude thoughts that are quite offensive and would otherwise not be mentioned by a normal person. The main reason why it’s difficult to diagnose ADHD among adult people is that the procedure involves the use of amphetamine, a very strong stimulant linked to drug abuse. Many adults are more likely to have disorders related to substance abuse.
Adult ADHD Symptoms
- Employment difficulties
- Quick-tempered
- Impulsiveness
- Inability to control stress
- Difficulties handling relationships
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Mood swings
- Always unhappy or bored
These symptoms may occur at different intensity levels and might take place under certain conditions or could also become visible every time.
Social Problems Associated with ADHD
Most often, adults suffering from ADHD are found to participate in dangerous activities that could severely harm them or others. The disorder can prevent them from excelling socially or professionally. They stand greater risks of:
- Marital problems, divorces, multiple marriages, or separations
- Having a liberal socioeconomic rank
- Substance abuse from prescribed medications
- Smoking cigarettes
- Reckless driving, suspended licenses, or overspeeding
The medications used to treat children can also be prescribed for adults. However, additional treatments like behavioral therapies are recommended to build self-esteem and boost healthier behaviors. Some of these treatments include:
- Learning how to relax, control stress, and manage anxiety
- Family education and therapies
- Instruction on strategies to remain organized both at home and in the office
- Mentoring to learn better relationship and working skills
Under medical supervision, stimulants are considered to work pretty well in suppressing ADHD symptoms. However, several risks and side effects accompany this form of medication. For instance, stimulants can result to an increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and intense anxiety. Therefore, people with other serious health conditions like glaucoma, seizures, kidney disease, blood pressure problems or liver infections should consult their doctors before taking any stimulants.
If you experience the following side effects, be quick to inform your doctor:
- Headaches
- Reduced appetite
- Personality changes
- Stomachaches
- Sleep problems
- Increased anxiety, stress, and irritability
- Rapid, repetitive movements or vocalizations
Other treatments include:
- Psychotherapy
- Family therapy and behavioral therapy
- Education and training
Remember, no precise treatment for ADHD is available. However, the above therapies can be adopted to alleviate the symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life. Although this condition is quite long-lasting, effective management can greatly relieve the symptoms. Whenever you experience ADHD-related symptoms, consider discussing them with your doctor.