Healthy Living

Is There a Connection Between Vitamin D Deficiencies and Diabetes?

Dr. Bandukwala believes that a controlled study is needed to look at vitamin D deficiency in diabetes patients.

Dr. Bandukwala suggests that there should be a randomized and controlled study to look at two populations, supplement vitamin D in one of the groups,  and follow them for a period. Having two distinct groups will allow the study to look at the incidences of type 2 diabetes and other illnesses.

More studies need to be done to prove the link between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes risk in diverse populations. Dr. Garland suggests you do not add more vitamin D to your diet without talking to your doctor. Discussing vitamin D supplements with your doctor is especially important if you are on any other types of medications or supplements.

With that said, a vitamin D supplement is more than likely to help you rather than hurt you.