Healthy Living

Organizations Give Gifts to Boost Morale of Cancer Patients

Marilyn's Team

Marilyn's Team

Deb Bovee along with her father and grandsons recently visited the Cancer Center in MidMichigan Medical Center in order to keep some patients receiving chemotherapy company. They brought with them gift bags filled with personal items and snacks that patients might enjoy while undergoing their treatments. They wore shirts baring "Marilyn's Team" to honor her mother, who died from cancer.

Deb explained, "from day one our reason for doing this is to just brighten someone's day and teach our grandsons about giving to others. But our mission grew even stronger since losing my mom to pancreatic cancer. While at the hospital we saw many people alone and having no one to encourage them. My mother was not one of them. She had a team of people who stayed by her side 24 hours a day, every day. We want to keep that encouragement going by doing this in remembrance of her."