Healthy Living

What Not to Say to Someone With Parkinson's Disease

Avoid Questioning the Experience

While nobody deserves unnecessary judgment, those with PD and issues related to the condition are more prone to questions and judgment than those who are not diagnosed with a form of illness or health problems. There are some with PD who worry about being viewed as attention seekers, especially if they are not showing what some may view as the 'typical' signs of PD. Keeping in mind that each individual facing the management of PD have different experiences, each unique and treated in a different way throughout all stages. PD may not show the exact same symptoms daily, leading some without PD to feel confusion as to what an individual may face on a day-after-day basis. There is no true representation of someone with PD or who has access to handicapped spaces and benefits. Assumption only leads to negative and reinforced stereotypes that those within the PD community and advocates are trying to break down. Attempting to use stories or experiences from those someone might know could be viewed as helpful by some, but are generally frowned upon by those managing PD and advocates. The experience of each patient is truly unique in occurrence, making it almost impossible to know what one may be facing. Even those who deal with the management of PD could find that they themselves are passing judgment on others dealing with a different experience than their own.