Healthy Living

Sleep Apnea and Hearing Loss? Study Discovers Possible Link

The loudness of snoring may directly affect your ears

So you might also wonder how other factors come into play such as:

You would be surprised at how much volume (in the case of snoring) and adverse effects can take a toll on a person’s ears.

As mentioned, snoring affects the throat and consequently the wideness of the airway, but who would’ve imagined that the loudness could also be the culprit behind sensorineural hearing loss? First, you would have to take into consideration that 40 decibels is the volume level of average snoring. This level is quite harmless, especially when you compare that to 60 decibels which is the normal volume of a person’s voice when talking. However, if a person with sleep apnea snores at 85 to 111.6 decibels, then they are reaching the “danger zone” of damage to the ears. And another sobering factor to remember is that when sleeping for eight hours, the individual’s ears are continuously exposed for that length of time.