Healthy Living

7 Effective Sleep Problem Solutions for Seniors

Have a Bedroom Makeover

Have a bedroom makeover

Some older people with sleeping problems could associate them with their immediate sleeping environment – the bedroom. This part of the house should be considered a sanctuary from the stresses of the day, says the National Sleep Foundation. You should feel comfortable when in your sleeping area. If you don't feel comfortable inside your bedroom, then maybe it needs a major makeover.

A bedroom, to be conducive for sleeping, should be darker compared to the other parts of the house. This is because light and darkness are powerful cues for the body whether to sleep or to wake up. When the eye detects darkness in the environment, it sends messages to the brain which then increases the level of melatonin, which is responsible for feelings of sleepiness. However, when the eye cells detect light, it sends messages to the brain that it is already time to wake up. The brain would then lower the melatonin level.

With this, consider replacing bedroom curtains and window treatments so that light cannot easily penetrate inside the bedroom. You may also use aromatherapy, preferably lavender scent, which is proven to help the body calm down and fall asleep.