Healthy Living

Tips For Living with Cataracts

Tips For Living with Cataracts

Several vision issues that are related to aging can be solved by practical approaches like more illumination when reading or fixing poor lighting conditions in your home.

When you grow to over 60 years of age, you may require more lighting for most indoor and outdoor activities. This is caused by the inability of your pupil to open widely like it normally does to let light in.  Therefore, your potential to clear vision is reduced because the amount of light reaching your retina (vision processing zone) is decreased.

These extra procedures will help you counteract this issue:

  • Installing task lighting underneath kitchen cabinets or above stoves will help illuminate work areas
  • Ensure you have sufficient light in  areas such as garages, closets, basements, or anywhere that light conditions are poor
  • If required, request your employee to better light the office or place of work, in order to counteract the effects of cataracts


Cataract awareness

Additional hints

There are several useful ways that help people suffering from cataracts.

Careful driving - Cataracts weaken the ability to see and therefore, in the event of serious symptoms, weakens your driving potential. Consult your physician to confirm if you are able to drive. Avoid driving in unfavorable conditions, in darkness, or in rain, since you will not be able to see clearly in these scenarios.  If you absolutely need to get to one of these places, request a relative or friend to drive you if possible.

Eye doctor- Visit your eye doctor regularly, and as prescribed. An eye doctor can either recommend eye surgery or prescribe special corrective lenses as the best option to rectify your sight issues.

Glasses- As solution to impaired sight, you will be required to put on glasses that have been recommended by ophthalmologist or optometrist. However, this is not a permanent remedy since cataracts worsen your sight and therefore a surgery may be prescribed as the ultimate solution.

Healthy nutrition - You should eat healthy foods like fresh fruit (2-3 portions daily) and vegetables (5-7 portions daily). Particularly, you should eat green leafy food; oranges and red colored fruits and veggies because they are rich in nutrients which help boost your eye health. Also eat nuts, seeds and fish which naturally contain oil, roughly two or three times per week. You should also consume  legumes often, whole grains, and some dairy products with little fat, poultry and some red meat twice or three times per week. Strive to eat fresh organic foods since they contain more nutrients than their inorganic counterparts.

Assistance from friends and relatives – Friends and relatives close to you can assist you in purchasing goods from stores, house chores and bills among other home activities.

Unique large letter devices – You can buy devices such as clocks, telephones, radios with uniquely large letters for easier reading.

Avoid smoking – Cigarette smoking is a popular factor that increases the risk of developing cataracts. The practice destroys the small vessels that carry blood in the retina and muscles. It deprives your body of several antioxidant vitamins, such as Vitamin C, which is vital to a healthy eye. Therefore, if you have cataracts, you must cease smoking so that you can prevent more eye damage, severe signs and further disease development. 

Company when traveling - If you have a blurred vision, ask your friends and relatives to accompany you in your errands. Alternatively, use public transport or a community bus when possible.

Read using magnifying glasses– Ideal magnifying glasses enlarge letters for easy reading


Bonus tips for cataract

Living with cataract involves a few lifestyle changes and careful monitoring. Regular check ups go a long way as do eye examinations and other subtle precautions. It is a good practice to get your eyes tested at least once a year, and every six months in the case of discomfort or changing prescriptions. This way, any changes to the power or eye as such will be detected and can be treated. If you have already got a cataract in one eye or both, it is advisable to read and perform daily activities in a brightly lit environment. By this, we do not mean very sharp light that pierces the eye, but bright enough to be able to read and work with ease. If you are habitual of driving, you can continue doing so at a slower pace and during the day. The best thing about night driving will be to avoid it all together. While roaming outside, reduce direct exposure to the sun, or if the schedule requires you to be outdoors for a fairly long time, make sure you wear good quality sunglasses and additionally protect your eyes with a hat. 

Tweak your lifestyle:

While we may go on about how you must tweak your lifestyle around cataract, remember that asking for help is a great way of tackling cataract. There is no harm in asking your family members to take care of you or leave your things in the same order you left them. Giving them these instructions can help you perform your daily routine in an unchanged manner. In addition to this, take a very healthy and well-balanced diet. This should contain a good mix of all the necessary food groups, with special emphasis on the ACE vitamins, proteins, and the compulsory minerals. If you are planning on getting a surgery done for cataract, first talk to your ophthalmologist who will guide you in the right direction. Post surgery, there are a few precautions to be taken and certain medication to be followed on time. Just stick with those instructions, confine yourself to known surroundings with slightly limited movement, and continue eating a nutrient dense diet, and you will be just fine. Dealing with it is not as stressful as it sounds. The dark glasses that have to be worn after the surgery are to prevent bright glares and overexposure to the retina. They are just temporary. After a while, life restores normalcy and the precautions that you take just become a habit and a part of your daily routine.