Healthy Living

Using Radio Energy to Eliminate Arthritis Pain

Using Radio Energy to Eliminate Arthritis Pain

Using Radio Energy to Eliminate Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is one of the many painful chronic inflammatory diseases that afflict millions of people every year. Its degenerative nature makes movements of almost any type painful, and it leads many to turn to daily prescription medication use just to take the edge off in an attempt to live with less pain. Different variations of arthritis make it difficult to find one effective treatment for all, so combination treatments are often used. People spend millions of dollars every year on medications, heating pads, wraps and bandages, cooling and heating therapies, and other items to try to lower their daily suffering. 

Arthritis is considered to be one of the most painful types of chronic inflammatory conditions and is known to affect millions of individuals with each passing year. It is degenerative in nature, often making general movements painful. Due to the multiple variations of this disease, it is even more difficult to find just one treatment that works across the board. People spend millions of dollars every year on medications and other kinds of arthritis treatments in the hopes of reducing the suffering that accompanies this disease. A new, noninvasive type of treatment has been invented that could help arthritis patients live free from pain for months to come after taking the treatment; it would allow them to do the things they were not able to previously. The treatment mostly targets the nerves that send pain signals to the brain, thereby completely removing the discomfort. These nerves are interrupted during the procedure, due to which they are unable to respond to the brain. The treatment process is quite simple and is an outpatient method with a much shorter recovery period than other treatments.

Radiofrequency ablation technology is used with this treatment. In the past, this treatment was used for managing various types of pain. It is a bit different in that it offers both cooling as well as heating therapy. This combination of hot and cold electrodes helps to keep the pain at bay for a longer period of time, which is better for the patient and their doctor as well. During the procedure, the doctor inserts certain needles along with water-cooled electrodes into three different nerves that are known to send pain signals to the brain. The RF, or radiofrequency, transports the cooled electrode to those nerves and then heats them up at the same time. This heating process disrupts and hinders the nerves’ ability to send out the pain signals to the brain for a longer period of time. Since this treatment is known to use water-cooled electrodes, they not only are able to target the larger section of the knee, but are also able to keep the pain away for an extended duration. Gradually, the nerve will again resume sending out pain signals, but not for several months. This Coolief technique, as it is called, was approved by the FDA in 2016, and since then, there have been many successful stories with this technique, including providing long-lasting relief from pain and safety measures.

Both the radiofrequency treatment as well as the ablation are innovative methods of treatment that use a heat technique to treat arthritis. This technique has been used for quite some time now and is considered safe for individuals. Many patients use this technique for their necks, backs, knees, and hands to provide them greater mobility for longer periods of time.