Healthy Living

What It Really Means to Love Someone with Fibromyalgia

What to do for a significant other with fibromyalgia

The following are tips that Dr. Jeffery Gorelick, a pain management specialist, shared for those who have partners with fibromyalgia. Not only is Dr. Gorelick a pain management specialist, but his wife also has suffered from the condition for 29 years. Aside from this, Dr. Gorelick also serves as a specialist with fibromyalgia in the Medical College of Wisconsin. 

Here are some of the tips he has offered from both a personal and medical perspective:

Finding the proper treatment

Fibromyalgia treatments have improved throughout the years, and as mentioned earlier, this could be cured with lifestyle changes and medicine. Finding a good doctor who specializes in treating this disorder would be the first step in living with this condition. A good doctor will help in finding the appropriate measures to deal with your loved one's fibromyalgia. But, there are also doctors who are skeptical about this disease. Avoid them.

When finding the right treatment, it's also important to support your significant other every step of the way. There will be treatments that won't work, and there will be challenges with making certain lifestyle changes as well. It may be frustrating and stressful to watch them struggle, but be as understanding as you can. You aren't in their shoes, so you do not know the amount of pain that they're in. Be your partner's advocate when there are doctors who brush aside their symptoms.