Healthy Living

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lessen Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

acids lessen multiple sclerosis symptoms

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lessen Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

Multiple sclerosis has ravaged millions of people worldwide, and its devastating symptoms can be incredibly difficult to deal with. One of the symptoms that can be particularly troublesome is the inflammation throughout the brain and body that in turn is responsible for causing other symptoms like weakness, osteoporosis, breathing difficulties, and other symptoms associated with MS. This is why researchers have attempted to find a way to reduce the inflammation associated with MS. If the inflammation goes down, the idea is that the symptoms will also become less prominent (and possibly even go away). This has led to researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology looking at the effects that Omega-3 fatty acids have on MS patients and their inflammation.

One of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis is inflammation throughout the brain and body that gives rise to other symptoms. The symptoms can become less if the inflammation goes down. The effect of omega 3 fatty acids on the inflammation of MS patients has been studied by the researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Within the tissues and organs, immune cells in the body coordinate inflammatory response. These immune cells, macrophages, after detecting pathogens mount a response by producing and secreting substances. Autophagy is one way through which macrophages operate. Through omega 3 fatty acids, autophagy can be increased by reducing inflammation caused by the macrophages.  Research was done on mice and humans. According to them autophagy in macrophages can be increased by omega-3 fatty acids. In the future this could be very beneficial for MS patients.

According to this study it is already shown that omega-3 fatty acid is good for overall health. Thus MS patients have to look for ways to increase omega-3 fatty acid. The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can be improved by:

  • Mackerel-it has highest amount of omega-3 fatty acid and also it has vitamin B12 and selenium. Throughout United States it is commonly sold.
  • Salmon- it has omega 3 fatty acid around 4000mg. also it is rich in proteins, selenium, potassium and magnesium.  To your diet it is a great addition.
  • Oysters- they contain omega-3 fatty acid, zinc, vitamin B12 and copper.
  • Herring- it contains omega -3 fatty acids and is also rich in vitamin D. it is a medium sized fatty fish. It helps to boost the immune system.
  • Flax seeds- it is a vegan source of omega 3 fatty acid. It also contains manganese, calcium and vitamin E.
  • Sardines- this fish is small and oily. It comes in a can. However, it is not favourite of many people.  But as required by the body it contains every nutrient. In order to boost the immune system find ways to introduce them in your diet.

Cod liver oil is also rich in omega 3 fatty acid. But since they are strong hence use it with caution. They can be effective but if consumed in excess may have negative side effects.

Tips to reduce inflammation

  • Oxidative stress can be reduced by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is recommended by the doctor to eat each day nine servings of fruits and vegetables. Most of the antioxidants are present in dark colored berries and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Simple carbohydrates should be avoided- they can create inflammatory agents and oxidative stress in the body. Hence they should be avoided. These include white pasta, white potato, white bread, soda, white sugar and rice. Substitute them with honey, brown rice, whole wheat bread.
  • Green tea-it can help reduce inflammation since it is rich in antioxidants. 
  • Herbal supplements- inflammation can be reduced by taking supplements.
  • Keep a good sleeping schedule-when it comes to inflammation, for your health sleep is very important. It helps the immune system strength to fight inflammation.
  • For MS patients new research on omega 3 fatty acid could be very helpful. You do not have to take any medicines and focus on diet.