Healthy Living

Celiac Disease: Going "From Crappy to Happy"

How does he not stray from his gluten-free lifestyle? Patience

How does he keep his life gluten-free? Simple: Patience. But he had to learn how to have it in order to adapt to this new lifestyle and not to cheat.

Gluten Dude realizes that having celiac disease is more than going gluten-free, and that there are aspects of the disease that need to be realized and discussed. He has written a book that starts to talk about the emotional, social, and physical aspects of living with the disease. His words are truly written with honesty, and he also adds a great deal of "snark" to help his readers look at this change in lifestyle as something that must be done.

His best piece of advice? The Gluten Dude says, “Don’t expect to feel better right away after going gluten free. Some of those with celiac do. Some don’t. I certainly didn’t. But be diligent, eat healthy, exercise regularly and eventually your body will begin to heal.”

Photo source: The Gluten Dude