Healthy Living

Does Drinking Coffee Every Day Help Prolong Life?

For coffee-lovers, sometimes drinking coffee on a regular basis may make them feel guilty. Having a daily cup of coffee will definitely make them think they need to cut it down at some point. However, on the contrary, they might actually be extending their lives. A handful of studies and research proves that drinking coffee every day can help people add more years to life. As a major coffee lover, nothing is more pleasing than knowing coffee can actually help someone live more. Continue reading to see how a daily cup of Joe works wonders.

Studies that prove coffee can prolong life

According to a study conducted by the American Chemical Society, certain compounds found in coffee can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Caffeic and cafestol, substances both found in coffee, appeared to help combat the risk of diabetes by increasing the secretion of insulin in the blood. Diabetes is most prevalent in the Southern United States. It is also considered as one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is undeniably great news to hear that your daily cup of coffee may protect you from being a victim of this fatal disease.

A recent study suggests that drinking coffee on a daily basis could cut the risk of having liver cancer. According to an article from Medical News Today, drinking a cup of coffee every day reduces the risk of having hepatocellular cancer (a common type of liver cancer). Decaffeinated coffee could also help cut the risk of HCC but with a lesser effect than that of a caffeinated one. People with existing liver ailments are most prone to developing HCC, particularly those who had an autoimmune disease, recurring liver inflammation and alcohol abuse. On the other hand, the study also suggests that drinking one cup of coffee a day can help reduce the risk of HCC by 20%, 35% for two cups a day and 50% for five cups of caffeinated coffee daily intake.

A study published in Nature Neuroscience suggests that regular coffee intake improves memory consolidation. Although there is no solid proof yet that caffeine enhances long-term memory, its effects on enhancing cognitive memory are justified by many studies. The same study shows that caffeine enhances vigilance, attention and processing time of the brain, and increased arousal.

What does the research say about caffeine intake?

Furthermore, caffeine intake reduces the risk of dementia among women. Based on an article from Medical News Today, women who have higher daily caffeine consumption (261 milligrams or more) have a reduced risk of cognitive impairment or probable dementia of about 36% than those who have lesser daily caffeine consumption (64 milligrams or less).

A research conducted by the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that higher coffee intake among Japanese Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and Whites have a reduced risk of premature death by 18%. People who drink one cup of coffee daily are reported to have a 12% reduced risk of early death as compared to those who don’t drink coffee at all. Moreover, experts believe that coffee’s antioxidant properties (mostly caffeine) are the ones responsible for its life-extending benefits.

According to Dr. Veronica Setiawan, Phd., the study’s lead author, coffee contains phenolic compounds and antioxidants that play a vital role in the prevention of probable cancer. She also added that there is no proof that drinking coffee can surely extend one’s life, but there is a definite association. Working out is one of the major keys to prolonging one’s life. However, not everyone enjoys exercising. If you are one of those people who feel that exercise is such a tiring thing to do, you might want to drink more coffee to make working out a lot easier.

Caffeine increases alertness and arousal which makes a person more active. A lot of coaches give athletes caffeinated drinks before competition or training sessions as it is believed to improve performance and lessen post-workout pains.

Health benefits of coffee

Coffee can help burn body fats: Yes, that’s right! Caffeine is found in almost all fat burning supplements you can find in the supermarket. It helps increase the body’s metabolic rate by up to 11% which, in turn, helps aid the burning of fat in the body.

Tons of essential nutrients are found in coffee: As mentioned a while ago, coffee contains phenolic compounds and antioxidants that help prevent cancer. Aside from those two, coffee is also rich in other essential nutrients such as:

  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
  • Potassium and Manganese
  • Niacin and Magnesium

Increase dietary fiber intake: Coffee beans are rich in dietary fiber (polysaccharides). Coffee’s dietary fiber is reported to have larger amounts of antioxidants and phenolics, compounds which are known for its cancer prevention properties.

Coffee helps fight depression: Anxiety and depression are serious mental disorders that if not addressed in time, may lead to some serious mishaps such as insanity or worse, suicide. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, regular coffee intake can help lessen the risk of depression among women. According to the research, women who drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day have a 20% reduced risk of depression as compared to those who don’t. Furthermore, those take decaffeinated coffee, tea, chocolate, and other beverages that contain less caffeine are shown to be unprotected against depression.

Coffee helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke: Coffee is believed to be one of the causes of the increase in blood pressure; it is a fact. However, the effect is very minimal and will likely go away once you drink coffee on a regular basis. Therefore, the belief that coffee increases the risk of fatal heart disease and stroke is a big fallacy. In fact, according to a study by the International Journal of Cardiology, regular and moderate coffee intake among women is shown to have significant effects on the reduction of the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.

A few risks to consider

Coffee may increase the risk of restlessness and insomnia: The maximum recommended caffeine intake is only up to 400 milligrams, which are roughly equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. More than that may cause trouble sleeping and the inability to rest.

Not recommended if you are pregnant: Caffeine is not great for the fetus. Caffeine intake during pregnancy may cause both the baby and the mother trouble during conception. Heavy caffeine intake is also one of the leading causes of premature miscarriage. Thus, if you are a massive coffee-lover and you are in your pregnancy, at least try to lessen your daily dose or switch to a decaffeinated one.

Coffee can increase cholesterol levels: Coffee contains compounds called kahweol and cafestol which are known to raise LDL cholesterol levels. However, LDL levels found in a cup of coffee are relatively small, and people with low to normal cholesterol levels won’t have to worry about it.

Is coffee good or bad?

The answer still depends on the subject person. If you are pregnant or someone who has a high cholesterol level, then it would be better if you avoid taking coffee regularly. However, the goodness found in a cup of coffee is undeniably beneficial for your health. The key to achieving a longer life does not solely depend on drinking coffee. Proper diet, exercise, and regular check-ups are still top of the line ways to add more years to your life.