Healthy Living

Is There a Link Between Maternal Rheumatoid Arthritis and Chronic Disease in Children?

What should expecting moms with RA do?

First, don’t panic! That never helps anyone. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself. Everyone (especially the media) is always saying how lovely and wonderful expecting a child is. This is certainly true, but it is also an incredibly stressful time full of changing hormones, a changing body, and changing lifestyles. So, make sure you are focused on caring for your physical and mental health. This means that if you have RA, work closely with your rheumatologist and OB/GYN to make sure that your RA is being managed effectively and safely while you are pregnant. Focus on ways that you can decrease stress in your life, and seek out the support of friends and family. Pregnancy certainly is beautiful, but it is not beautiful all the time, like all things. It can be incredibly tough. By focusing on your health and not worrying too much about the ‘what if’s you can greatly improve your quality of life.