Migraine With Aura

1 What is Migraine With Aura?

A migraine that is preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs or symptoms such as tingling in your hand or face, flashes of light and blind spots is called Migraine with aura.

There are same treatment for a migraine with aura and migraine without aura and the self-care and medications are also same for the both of the migraines.

2 Symptoms

A migraine with aura’s signs and symptoms are:

  • sensory disturbances and temporary visual signs and symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound,
  • severe head pain, and nausea, but in people who are 50 years of age and older, there’s barely a headache.

A migraine with aura develops within an hour before the a headache begins at can lasts up to 60 minutes.

The visual signs and symptoms of migraine with aura includes: Changes in vision; Scotomas or blind spots that are outlined by zigzag lines that you think you are seeing through your eyes;  flashes of light that develops in the center of your visual field and then spreads; seeing stars and spots; other sensory disturbances such as muscle weakness, numbness like a tingling sensation in your face or hands and having trouble speaking.

Go to your doctor if you are feeling these signs and symptoms to rule out other illnesses that have the same symptoms and signs.

3 Causes

There is no clear cause of a migraine with aura.

A chemical or electrical wave if spreading will cause visual hallucinations and that moves across the part of your brain that processes visual signs or visual cortex is believed to be the cause of a migraine with aura.

Some factors that trigger these symptoms are bright lights, menstruation, stress and little sleep.

4 Making a Diagnosis

Making a diagnosis of migraine with aura is done by performing several procedures and tests.

Your doctor may refer you to a neurologist that specializes in nervous system disorders to rule out brain conditions.

One way to know is to keep track of the symptoms or have a headache diary so that when you visit your doctor you can let him see it.

In your diary, describe each incident:

  • When did they happen?
  • What are they?
  • How long did it last?
  • What happened after that?
  • What triggered them? 

Write down your medical history. List down the major stresses in your life or previous life changes.

You can ask your doctor these questions:

  • What is my illness?
  • Is it different from a plain migraine?
  • What is the cause of a migraine with aura?
  • Do I need tests?
  • What treatments do you recommend?
  • Are there any alternatives?
  • Are they dietary restrictions?
  • Is it hereditary?
  • Do you recommend any websites?

Write down the medications, vitamins and supplements that you are taking every day.

Your doctor will ask you questions such as:

  • What symptoms are you experiencing?
  • How long did they last?
  • When did you experience this?
  • Are they severe?
  • What other sensations do you have aside from the symptoms that you said?
  • Are they followed by a headache?
  • If so, how often do you get them and for how long?
  • Did it improve over time or became worse?
  • What do you think triggers them? 

Your doctor may recommend some tests like:

  • an eye examination to examine your fundoscopy which uses ophthalmoscope;
  • magnetic resonance imaging or MRI to see your brain and other internal organs;
  • computerized tomography that produces detailed images of your brain and other internal organs.

5 Treatment

A migraine with aura has no specific treatment but there are medications that you can take such as pain-relieving medications.

Which you can take at the first sign of the symptom that relieves the pain in your head that includes: prescription pain relievers or over the counter pain relievers Dopamine antagonist that blocks dopamine receptors; Triptans; Anti-nausea drugs that help with the vomiting and nausea; Ergots.

You can also use preventive medications for severe pain in the head which includes: Anti-seizure drugs; Anti-depressants; blood pressure-lowering medications; Botox injection; stress management and cognitive behavioral therapy.

6 Prevention

Find the things that are triggering your migraine with aura and prevent these symptoms.

Prevent low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, avoid white bread and sugar that has refined carbohydrates and do not skip meals.

Avoid foods with tyramine and nitrates like sugar, ham, sausage, bacon, potatoes, beer, eggplant, spinach, aged cheese, red wine, fried food, chocolates, tomatoes, bananas, citrus fruits, plums and broad beans and foods with a lot of MSG.

Be aware of your food allergies. Avoid bright lights. Stay hydrated, drink plenty of fluids.

7 Alternative and Homeopathic Remedies

Some homeopathic remedies used for migraine with aura are:

  • Belladonna for migraines with a throbbing headache,
  • Glonoine for migraines with a congestive headache,
  • Natrum Mur for migraines with stress or grief,
  • Sanguinaria for migraines that occur on the right side of your head,
  • Spigelai for migraines that occur on the left side of your head.

Ask your doctor first abut these homeopathic remedies.

8 Lifestyle and Coping

You can cope with migraine in aura if you will not do or eat the things that will trigger your migraine.

Always look out for signs and symptoms and medicate as soon as possible to prevent a migraine.

9 Risks and Complications

There is no specific risk factor for a migraine with aura. The things that may affect your migraines are the foods that you eat and the things that you do that will trigger them.

Migraines are most common in women with higher risk of stroke than men and likely hereditary.

10 Related Clinical Trials
