Acetic Acid Irrigation

1 What is Acetic Acid Irrigation?

Brand: Acetic Acid Irrigation

Generic: 0.25% Acetic Acid

Acetic acid irrigation solution contains 0.25% acetic acid. This solution is used as a constant or intermittent bladder rinse to help prevent the growth and proliferation of infectious microorganisms in the urinary bladder, especially ammonia producing bacteria. This is used in patients who require prolonged indwelling urethral catheterization and for the irrigation of an indwelling catheter to help maintain patency by reducing the formation of calcium deposits.

Acetic acid irrigation is supplied in a plastic pour bottle.


The volume of the solution varies according to the nature and duration of the surgery and according to the physician’s instructions.

Acetic acid irrigation solution should be inspected visually from time to time for any particulate matter and discoloration before using.


None known.

Side Effects

There are no side effects known aside from a possible allergic reaction in people who have previous or unknown hypersensitivity to the drug.

Watch out for signs of allergic reactions such as:

  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue


Before using this solution, tell your health care providers if you are pregnant or lactating. Tell your doctor if you have mucosal lesions or any open lesions in the urinary bladder.
