Mental Health

10 Things You Can Do to Decrease Your Anxiety

8. Start journaling. It'll help get your mind off of a few things.

Many mental health experts praise journaling as a highly effective stress management tool. Compared to many other forms of therapy, journaling is accessible to just about everyone; it doesn’t require a great deal of physical exertion, it doesn’t cost a lot of money, and you can do it just about anywhere at any time. Anyone can do it; it’s just a matter of getting started.

Journaling is a deeply personal activity, so it varies from person to person. Generally speaking, though, journaling involves writing in a journal or diary and expressing your thoughts and emotions in response to life events. It’s best to get in the routine of journaling on a consistent basis, but even picking up your journal sporadically as the mood strikes you can be beneficial.

When you journal, go with whatever method feels right for you. If you’re stuck, a good starting point is to describe the events of the day in detail. Explore how those occurrences made you feel at the time and consider how you feel about them now that you’re looking back. This self-reflection can help you properly understand and process your emotions. You might even come up with ideas for potential solutions to any problems you’ve been experiencing.

Be careful not to fall into the trap of negativity. Even if you’re going through tough times, it’s important not to focus exclusively on negative thoughts. Make an effort to express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life and yourself, and don’t forget to appreciate the little things. This can help you get in the habit of being mindful and thinking positively.