Mental Health

What Therapists Wish You Knew About Therapy

For results to stick, you need to put in effort too

As previously stated in the last slide, if you want to benefit from your treatment, you need to actively engage. This means participating in your therapy sessions, routinely taking your medication, and applying any techniques you’ve learned into your daily life. Mental illness is no small matter, so you have to treat it with the seriousness it deserves. After all, you wouldn’t be lazy about taking antibiotics if you had pneumonia, would you? It’s the same with an ailing mind.

Be open about your issues, both with your therapist and your friends and family (if you're comfortable). Outside support is very important in mental health plans; patience and understanding can significantly ease the burden you carry, and having people around you who can remind you to take your medicine, drive you to therapy, or simply listen on tough days will keep you on track with your treatment plan.

Battling mental illness is hard, but the more work you put into it, the more positive results you’ll see.