About the Job

10 Best Nursing Careers Based on Salary and Demand

10. Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

Neonatal patients face high risks and debilitating circumstances. You will work with a fully qualified physician in the role, which includes assessment, planning, ordering tests and medications, and making plans. You will need an advanced degree and certification to be this type of nurse. There will be some years of direct experience necessary, and you will need to be aware and use advanced technology.  A closely-knit team working with understanding and trust is essential. A neonatal nurse practitioner is not a position where you can second guess yourself. The median salary is $106,500.

A valid nursing license opens up doors to a variety of  possibilities. In the areas where there is a nursing shortage, you will have many options to care for patients, increase your education and learn the latest techniques. Nursing careers are for those who care, who have an extraordinary ability to take care of people, and who are knowledgeable. The hours can be long and strenuous, but the rewards are immeasurable.