
Helping Mothers Cope with Lupus

Self-care is essential

Moms everywhere often find that it’s easy to put everyone else's needs ahead of their own.  For moms with lupus, this could prove downright dangerous. 

Many lupus patients are get exhausted quickly and one of the best ways to keep a flare up from occurring is to make sure that they are getting enough sleep.  As a mom, this is not always easy to do. Newborns typically wake up a few times a night and no one knows when a toddler decides that sleeping is for the weak. 

All moms should take the time to practice self-care but for lupus moms, it's necessary. Ask someone to help with the kids and take some time for a long bath, or a nap.  If you are dealing with a baby who isn’t sleeping through the night, consider hiring a sleep doula or asking other family members to step-in a few nights week. Consider rest a requirement.