
Real Housewives Star Jacqueline Laurita Discusses Her Son's Autism Diagnosis

Advice from the Laurita family

The Lauritas say working as a team is key. Once they got on the same page about things, everything was successful, because they had the same mission and worked together. Remember to step in and give your partner a break here and there.

Get connected to other families with autistic children and supportive organizations to help. Chris credits Generation Rescue with helping his family find support. Generation Rescue’s mission is to provide hope, information and immediate treatment assistance to families affected by autism spectrum disorders. They credit the organization with helping them find doctors and provide resources for their son.

Jacqueline says, as parents, it’s important to believe that autism is treatable. It is, and it will get better. Each child has the ability to learn and we cannot give up of them. Persevere and continue to teach your child what you want them to learn. Make it your family’s goal to make progress and continue to work toward that every day. But remember it is a journey and it takes one day at a time.
