
Study Delves into the Various Levels of Severity in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients

Where does muscular dystrophy come from?

Muscular dystrophy stems from mutations that ultimately disable the production of the muscle proteins that are vital for producing as well as maintaining healthy muscles.  The region in which the mutations become present are on the X chromosome.  Although the different types of dystrophy come with a different set of mutations, all forms disable the body’s ability to produce what is known as dystrophin. 

Dystrophin is a protein responsible for constructing and repairing muscles.  The disease is genetic, and is more likely to be seen in individuals who have a family where muscle dystrophy has been present.  For this reason, it is always important for loved ones to be diligent in getting this confirmed by a specialist, as they very well could pass the harmful condition on to their children.