Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Abdomen pain?

I have acute pain on my lower left abdomen almost on top of my hip.

Male | 75 years old
Complaint duration: All dsy
Medications: Normal for conditions
Conditions: Heart disease diabetes 2 enlarged prostate

4 Answers

Your symptoms are very general and could be almost anything. From a musculoskeletal standpoint, it could be your lower back, hip or trochanteric bursitis. However, things like appendicitis, diverticulitis, or other abdominal problems may be causing your pain. It's probably best to have your doctor sort all of this out. I would only be guessing without more information.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
I would need to know a lot more information about your condition to answer your question. Are you running a fever? You have loss of appetite? Are your bowel movements okay? Have you had difficulty walking? How long it has this acute pain been present? Have you had similar complaints?
But considering your age everything should be treated urgently. Please visit your family physician or an urgent care to be evaluated as soon as possible
This may not be orthopedic. See your primary care doctor.

Unlikely to be ortho related. See your primary doc or general surgeon