General Practitioner Questions Lumps

Are my lypmh nodes infected or could it be cancer?

I have noticed that in my groin region i have hard little lumps forming. I am guessing it has something to do with my lymph nodes, because they don't feel like ingrown hairs. About 2 weeks ago i had a large lump that about the size of a cherry tomato. It stayed on my groin region for about 5 days then disappeared. 2 weeks Later i noticed that on my right side there was a small hard lump under my skin, and on near my the top of my pelvic bone there was a harder small bump. Now i feel a new one forming. Could this be from an infection or something more serious?

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks

1 Answer

You say you’re 16 years old and these little bumps do not hurt. There are a few things that can cause these symptoms. What you’re relating suggests an inguinal lymphadenopathy, which is when you get enlarged lymph nodes in your groin. Some questions will be:

1. Are you having sex or have had sex?
2. Are you losing weight or not able to gain weight?
3. Are you having episodes of being hot at night or sweats?
4. Have you had any blood work done recently?
5. Have you been having any diarrhea or nausea and vomiting?
6. Do you walk around outside without shoes?

There are quite a few other questions, but you have to go see a doctor ASAP as any large lymph node as you described is abnormal. Some diagnoses to think about include Herpes Simplex (like a cold sore), Syphilis, or a lymphoma. Please visit a doctor, any doctor, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

Adebowale Adeleye