Psychologist | Psychoanalysis Questions Depression

Are there ways to deal with depression without medication?

I am 40 years old female. I have depression but I don't want to take Prozac or some other medication. How else could I deal with depression without medication?

8 Answers

Psychotherapy can be helpful for depression. However, certain types of depression respond very well to medication and a combination of both of these treatment modalities may be the treatment of choice.
Life style change certainly helps but limited. Depends on level of depression medication is appropriate when at moderate level
You can try cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
If depression is not severe, this could be effective, BUT, if your symptoms are severe where the best gauge is your ability to function in your usual level of functioning. If this has diminished, if your unable to find joy in anything... then medication most likely is necessary... as there is a biological explanation for why depression happens. Usually low levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and or dopamine. The antidepressants help balance this out.
You should first get a thorough psychiatric evaluation of your depression. The choice of whether to start with medication treatment, psychotherapy, or both will depend on many factors. Antidepressants are well proven and work well for most people. Specific types of psychotherapy, namely cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) have also been shown to be effective treatments. Most people with depression do best wth the combination of medication and therapy.
There is Transmagnetic Stimulation, or TMS, and Neurofeedback are alternatives. Check NeuroStar website for more information for TMS and NeuroCore Brain Assessment for Neurofeedback.
Yes, for mild depression psychotherapy, diet, and exercise may improve your symptoms. 
Therapy at least twice a month is good and then once a month. Find a good therapist. If you go to one and you don’t like them, try another.
Take Dr. Amen's Brain Type assessment. Based on the report, consider the recommendations he provides for your brain type to include supplement program - go to BrainMD for them. The assessment site is: